Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
How AI is Changing Leadership and Decision-Making
How AI is Changing Leadership and Decision-Making adaptability artificial intelligence automations data-driven decisions decision making higher productivity informed decisions leadership advice Feb 18, 2025

The leadership landscape is constantly shifting, and one of the things that distinguishes an effective leader from an ineffective one is their ability to adapt. They must adapt to the people they lead, the work that needs to be done, and the approach that needs to be taken. A shift that we are seein...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
It’s Time to Decide the Kind of Leader You’re Going to Be
It’s Time to Decide the Kind of Leader You’re Going to Be confidence decision making effort invest in your team strategic thinking Jan 23, 2024

Developing strong decision-making skills is crucial for effective leadership within any industry. Whether you are at the top of an organization or you are a lower level manager, it is important to be able to make timely, informed decisions for your team. This requires a sense of urgency, it means be...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Decisions, People, Impact
Decisions, People, Impact decision making growth and development impact leadership positive culture Oct 31, 2023

Leaders have a long list of responsibilities to fulfill, and one of those responsibilities is making decisions. When making a decision, the leader must respond in a timely manner, often deciding things on the spot. However, we still expect them to be informed and consider the various outcomes that m...

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Decisions Matter — 3 Decision Models business acumen business strategy decision making research and development Mar 09, 2023

Ultimately, the evaluation of any leader will be based on the manner in which they make decisions. When future generations look back at business wins and losses, they will study how a leader got to the decisions they made, how they processed information, and whether or not the decision yielded the r...

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The Competition business strategy competition decision making leadership Oct 05, 2022

One of the great fallacies of our thinking is looking at those who do the same thing as us and believe they are the competition. Things changed significantly in my life when I realized the only real competition that existed was who I used to be. This realization shifted me from making decisions base...

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Why We Do Anything decision making emotions lead yourself logic psychology Oct 01, 2022

I was thinking about the motivation required to pursue anything in our lives and had a realization. Anything we do, we do because we are seeking a specific feeling. When a person hoards things, they are seeking the feeling of security, knowing that the thing they own will always be there when they n...

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Clarity over Certainty decision making leadership mission driven companies pride Sep 24, 2022

There is nothing worse than running confidently in the wrong direction. This is a thought I have had about multiple leaders over the years. To see someone absolutely certain about their “rightness” without regard for the outcomes and without proper research on the likely outcomes of their decisions ...

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