How AI is Changing Leadership and Decision-Making

adaptability artificial intelligence automations data-driven decisions decision making higher productivity informed decisions leadership advice Feb 18, 2025
Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
How AI is Changing Leadership and Decision-Making

The leadership landscape is constantly shifting, and one of the things that distinguishes an effective leader from an ineffective one is their ability to adapt. They must adapt to the people they lead, the work that needs to be done, and the approach that needs to be taken. A shift that we are seeing right now is that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prominent in today’s workplace. 

There are many benefits of using AI as a leadership tool. The first is that AI allows individuals to make more informed, data-driven decisions and to do so quickly. Leaders must think on their feet and keep their composure during stressful times, and AI takes some of that pressure off. AI can analyze data, compare reports, find common trends, and even offer suggestions. That being said, leaders should still use their own judgment in taking action, but they can look to AI for guidance.

Another great resource is the availability of AI coaching assistants. This digital tool is able to answer questions, provide additional learning materials, and offer feedback and guidance. We recently implemented an AI coaching assistant into one of our online courses, The Leadership Collaborative. It is called AI Jody, and it is trained on all of the material within the course, several of Jody’s books, and some of our other online training resources. What is nice about AI coaches is that they can be trained on anything you want. Then, when you ask the coach a question, it gives you an answer specific to that material.

AI can also free up an employee’s time by automating some of their repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus their attention on more pressing matters. For example, if you wanted every person who clicked on an interest form to receive an email with more information about your product or service, you could set up an automated email that is sent to them once they fill out the form and provide their contact information. You could also send them to a calendar that shows your availability, and they can choose a time to schedule a meeting with you to learn more. This way, you don’t have to worry about going back and forth in your communication, but you can find a time that works for both of you.

There are many uses for AI in the workplace, but I want to be clear– AI is not replacing leadership; it’s enhancing it. It is a resource to be used in addition to your own experience and judgment. It is not the be-all, end-all solution. Your role is still critically important as a leader, and by leveraging AI strategically, you can make more informed decisions, increase your organization’s productivity, and effectively guide your team in the right direction.


-Meghan Slaughter


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