Why We Do Anything
Oct 01, 2022
I was thinking about the motivation required to pursue anything in our lives and had a realization. Anything we do, we do because we are seeking a specific feeling. When a person hoards things, they are seeking the feeling of security, knowing that the thing they own will always be there when they need it. When we help another person out, we are either seeking the feeling of significance or connection. When we strike out on our own in life or in business, we are seeking the freedom of autonomy. When we better ourselves, we seek the feeling of growth. And, when we follow the yearning of our hearts, we are seeking the feeling of purpose.
Propelling any action we take is the feeling sought. Even when we believe we are being logical, mapping out the good and the bad in connection to a decision, we are still seeking a feeling. Certainty, autonomy, significance, connection, growth, and purpose are the driving feelings behind anything we do. From a personal standpoint, this should help us understand the drivers behind our life choices. From a business standpoint, this should help us understand not just ourselves but also what our customers are seeking.
When we begin to understand that emotions are driving us down the path we are on in our lives, we can choose to steer those emotions in our favor. Using emotions to inspire positive goal-driven behaviors can be an incredibly good thing. When you know you are seeking certainty as a feeling, you can take steps to plan for a certain future. Whatever the primary emotional driver is back of your choices, use it to propel yourself in the right direction. Don’t let it use you.
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