The Conditioned Leader achievement behavioral science leadership leadership development role models Sep 23, 2022

I have studied leaders and leadership over the last several decades and found some trends in their creation. The first thing I have noticed is that some people are more naturally drawn to the front of the crowd as leaders. When a person is young, they will often have a stronger jawline and appear...

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The Virtue of Purpose leadership marcus aurelius purpose stoicism work Sep 22, 2022

From the first time I read the writings of Marcus Aurelius, I was hooked. The wisdom shared in his Stoic philosophy can help to guide a person to live an incredible life. Incredible doesn’t mean without struggle. Instead, it means a life full of meaning.

Perhaps the most important lesson in...

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Brace For Impact bad boss be nice culture culture change leadership development Sep 21, 2022

According to a LinkedIn survey, 88% of participants said they would be happier if their boss called in sick for work. This is incredibly disheartening because a boss is supposed to enhance the ability of their people to succeed in a safe and inspiring environment. Unfortunately, that isn’t...

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The Master-Mind mastermind motivation planning success vision Sep 20, 2022

A Master-Mind is the harmonious coordination of specialized knowledge, effort, and belief between two or more people to attain a definite purpose.

Since the beginning, the coordination of efforts has resulted in the most outstanding outcomes. I would propose that most businesses suffer because...

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The Exchange effort longfellow parenting potential self leadership Sep 19, 2022

One of the great tragedies in this life is that of seeing people believe they should not have to exchange effort for the outcome. The world itself has always been ruled by the law of cause and effect. We achieve the desired outcomes when we supply the right actions and efforts. The tragedy is in...

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Mind is Master focus james allen lead yourself success thoughts are things Sep 18, 2022

One of my friends challenged me to read James Allen’s book, As A Man Thinketh every day for a month. This was a few years back, but I still remember the impact that little book had on my thinking. The book opens with the following.

“Mind is the master power that molds and makes,

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Leveraging Different authenticity creativity leadership potential self leadership Sep 17, 2022

We spend most of our lives striving to fit in with the world around us. We dress like the people around us. We talk like the people around us. We even strive to know the same information as the people around us. Admittedly, much of the conditioning we are given pushes us toward this sameness with...

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The Warrior Within emotional control eq inner strength self leadership Sep 16, 2022

One of the speeches I recently listened to from Dr. Jordan Peterson encouraged people to find the beast within themselves and then tame it. He said that it was not a docile person that was good for this world. Instead, it was a strong person who understand how to regulate their strength which was...

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Business, Not Busyness busyness leadership procrastination productivity time managment Sep 15, 2022

One of the phrases that I began using early on in my entrepreneurial life was “Be in business, not busyness.” We spend so much time doing things that don't actually move us toward our desired end goal. We allow others to dictate what is urgent instead of taking charge of what is...

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Facing Your Shadow carl jung individuation overcoming psychology shadow work Sep 14, 2022

Dr. Carl Jung founded Analytical Psychology with a focus on helping people figure out how to be the best version of themselves. This was a departure from the more fatalistic view Freud held about how messed up a person was. One of the key concepts Jung talked about was what he called...

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The Law of The Vital Few leadership pareto principle time management time management tips vital few Sep 13, 2022

In our lives, multiple laws govern the outcomes we experience. The law of the vital few is the premise that there are only a few things we do that produce the majority of the outcomes we experience. The opposite is true as well. The law of the pointless many states that there are lots of things...

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Getting Traction alignment leadership traction values vision Sep 12, 2022

It doesn’t matter if you are talking about making your business better or your family better; getting traction can be tough. Traction is a reference to what it is like to work hard without moving forward versus working hard while moving forward. One of the common mistakes we make is to...

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