Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
The Looking Glass vs. The Mirror
The Looking Glass vs. The Mirror achievement appreciation leadership recognition serving others success Aug 20, 2024

Leaders serve as guides for their people, and they use their influence to get results. Whether things go wrong or right in business, a leader has two options: they can either turn to the mirror or to the looking glass. More commonly, leaders will turn to the mirror and praise themselves when...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
The Law of Unending Growth
The Law of Unending Growth achievement growth and development habits for success improvement overcoming personal growth professional growth Aug 06, 2024

Our potential is only as strong as our investment in self. We should constantly strive to become better than the person that we were yesterday because we are our own biggest competition. And when we stop focusing on our personal and professional development, our potential stops growing. This...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success achievement growth mindset habits for success personal accountability personal responsibility self-discipline Jul 23, 2024

I recently watched a video about staying committed to your goals and bettering yourself daily. One of the phrases that really stood out to me in this video is that “discipline is the greatest form of love that you can show yourself.” I had never thought about discipline in this...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Actions Outweigh Intentions
Actions Outweigh Intentions accountability achievement business coaching intentionality life advice taking action Jun 25, 2024

As a leader, your actions and outcomes far outweigh your intentions. No one cares about what you meant to do; they only care about what you have demonstrated. You can have the best intentions for your team and organization, but if you don’t follow-through on those intentions, then they mean...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Checking in Mid-Year
Checking in Mid-Year achievement business advice employee motivation goal setting personal growth self-evaluation self-reflection Jun 04, 2024

We are entering the halfway point of the calendar year, and that means it’s time to evaluate where we started, where we’re currently at, and where we’re headed in business. There are many advantages to having checkpoints throughout the year, and the middle-of-the-year review is...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Embracing Differences
Embracing Differences achievement employee motivation individual differences organizational strengths May 07, 2024

If you have siblings, then you probably know that two or more people can be raised in the same household by the same people and still turn out to be very different from one another. Why is it then that we expect our employees to be just like us? We have this idea in our minds for what success...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Becoming a Great Manager vs. Becoming a Great Leader
Becoming a Great Manager vs. Becoming a Great Leader achievement business advice growth and development inspiring others management and leadership Apr 09, 2024

Management is very different from leadership, but there are benefits to developing skills in both areas. When I think of managing others, I think of monitoring, measuring, and sometimes correcting employee performance. On the other hand, when I think of leading others, I think of inspiring...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Managing the Important and the Urgent
Managing the Important and the Urgent achievement potential priority management scheduling time self improvement Apr 02, 2024

We often prioritize the things that are urgent in business over the things that are important. That sounds effective in theory, but when we put off the things that are important, we are neglecting to work on tasks that produce long-term positive results.

We become the most successful when we...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Forward Thinking: Planning for Future Generations
Forward Thinking: Planning for Future Generations accountability achievement business planning business strategy business success generation z planning ahead Feb 20, 2024

Planning ahead not only encourages you to be intentional in your actions, it can also alleviate some general stressors and anxieties, help you manage time more effectively, and lead to you accomplishing more overall. By outlining what needs to be done and by when, you can map out specific...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Why We Judge Others More Harshly Than We Judge Ourselves
Why We Judge Others More Harshly Than We Judge Ourselves achievement advice effort interpersonal communication perspectives team Nov 21, 2023

To understand why people might have drastically different outlooks on life than we do, think of a kaleidoscope– we might have the same pieces, but the arrangement is different for each person, and therefore we see a different picture from one another. It’s not that we intentionally...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Generating Internal Control
Generating Internal Control achievement behavior internal locus of control responsibility self belief Oct 10, 2023

How we view and interpret the world around us heavily influences how we conduct ourselves. People who go through life with an external locus of control believe that the outcomes they get are due to forces outside of themselves. If something happens that they do not like, they tend to blame other...

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Success Leaves Clues achievement business success imitation learn from others pave the way Aug 03, 2023

When you look for the signs of success, you’ll find clues that lead you to where you need to go. In the same way that our brains filter out information that is not important, our brains can also be trained to filter in information that will help us achieve our goals. Everyone defines...

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