How Will You Filter Your Decisions for 2025?

achievement business advice filter frame of mind lead yourself motivation perspective Dec 17, 2024
Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
How Will You Filter Your Decisions for 2025?

How much more effective do you think you could be if you approached everything in business through a specific frame of mind? For the last several years, our employees have individually chosen a word or phrase for which we want to filter our lives through during the year. For example, last year I chose the word “intention.” It reminded me to be intentional about everything I did throughout the year and to actually follow through with my intentions. I always write out my word or phrase and have it somewhere visible in my office so that I have a physical reminder of how I want to filter information and decisions.

You want to choose something positive that will encourage you to push yourself to do and be better. Evaluate how 2024 went, and think about an area that you would like to improve on. What was going on that held you back from reaching your full potential? Were you too pessimistic? Were you too busy? Were you unmotivated? To know what you want to attract more of, you must first determine what you don’t want to experience for the upcoming year.

The idea behind choosing a filter word or phrase is that it will help you stay on track for achieving your goals. Your filter should be meaningful for you. The organization can have a company-wide mindset as well, but I recommend that you choose your own frame of mind. This will help keep you more motivated throughout the year and will remind you of what matters most. Whatever you choose, apply it to your life every single day. Write it down, set a reminder on your phone, and have it posted somewhere you’ll see often. You can accomplish amazing things when you are intentional about how you filter your decisions, so go into 2025 prepared.

Here are some examples of phrases that you could use to filter your decisions through:

  • Be the change you want to see.
  • Do the work.
  • Lead with purpose.
  • See the good in everything.
  • Get out of your comfort zone.
  • Break through barriers.

Here are some examples of words that you could use as a filter:

  • Acceptance.
  • Courage.
  • Ambition.
  • Clarity.
  • Decisiveness.
  • Intention.
  • Tenacity.
  • Resilience.

I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on what you want to get out of the next year and come up with a filter that will help you achieve your goals.


-Meghan Slaughter

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