Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success

achievement growth mindset habits for success personal accountability personal responsibility self-discipline Jul 23, 2024
Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success

I recently watched a video about staying committed to your goals and bettering yourself daily. One of the phrases that really stood out to me in this video is that “discipline is the greatest form of love that you can show yourself.” I had never thought about discipline in this manner, but it really puts things into a new perspective when you’re chasing after something. Rather than focusing on the struggle of the journey, we shift our mindset and look at our commitment to the journey as an act of self-love. Staying disciplined in all that we do leads to greater achievement.

When we talk about discipline, we often think of punishment; however, it also means to train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way. Self-discipline does not require inspiration. In fact, self-discipline often means taking action when there is no inspiration to draw from. That might mean writing a report as soon as you have the information for it instead of putting it off, making a phone call that you’ve been dreading, or even skipping the coffee drive through so that you will make it to work on time. Self-discipline means that you don’t put things off, you put forth consistent effort, and you tackle the hard things. You don’t take the easy way out, even if it’s appealing; instead, you take the kinds of actions that will set you up for success.

If you’ve ever thought, “That’s tomorrow me’s problem,” then you’re not alone. A lot of people think that way, and even I have been guilty of thinking that, but when we don’t have the discipline to do what needs to be done today, we are doing ourselves a disservice. We must learn to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions, and we must create a pattern of behaviors that will help us advance. Success is not something that most people can just stumble upon. We have to work hard to get to where we want to be, and that requires a higher level of self-discipline than just showing up.

Think of a goal in your life that you have been struggling to accomplish. Are you the one that is holding yourself back? I know that I can become my own worst enemy when it comes to achieving something, whether it’s due to lack of motivation, distractions, or looking for alternative solutions. Whatever excuse you have been making, remember that staying disciplined is not a punishment; it’s a form of self-love.


-Meghan Slaughter

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