It’s easy to start losing momentum after getting a taste of time-off during the end of the year. You have been working hard to meet your annual and fourth quarter goals, and you’re ready for a break. Now is not the time to give up though. Keep pushing forward, and finish out the year strong. The key...

Nothing changes until something changes. That sounds straightforward, right? But how often do you hear someone complain about how things are going, where they’re at in life, or what they’re struggling with, etc. but they don’t take new action? Contrary to what many people hope for, you will continue...

When individuals conform to a manager’s ideals, we observe compliance, which many managers tend to confuse with commitment. Just because someone has agreed to follow another person’s standards does not mean that they agree with those standards or support them. Many employees recognize the importance...

Developing a healthy professional relationship between a business and its customers is vital for the organization’s long-term success. Businesses are designed to serve customers and solve problems, so without customers, a business becomes aimless. That’s why it is so important to understand the valu...

There is great value in learning, and there is even greater value in learning through experience. Imagine trying to learn a new language but never speaking it aloud or never communicating with another person who speaks the same language. It would be pretty difficult to know if you’re getting the pro...

Planning ahead not only encourages you to be intentional in your actions, it can also alleviate some general stressors and anxieties, help you manage time more effectively, and lead to you accomplishing more overall. By outlining what needs to be done and by when, you can map out specific checkpoint...

Leaders are lifelong learners. I’ve said that before, but it’s easy to overlook. Once a person is put in a leadership position, they often think that they’ve accomplished all that they needed to. After all, the goal was to become a leader. However, being at the top doesn’t mean that you’re done deve...

Organizational success is dependent on the people that make up the company. Success cannot be attributed to just one person, though a leader will encourage others and guide them in the right direction. Everyone plays an important role in the growth and success of the organization, and it would not t...
When someone tells you that they need something done “ASAP” or “by yesterday,” what does that mean to you? Is that a clear timeline for you to follow, or does it leave you guessing and panicking about how you will get the task done in time for when your boss/leader wants it?
When you are delegating...
When you look for the signs of success, you’ll find clues that lead you to where you need to go. In the same way that our brains filter out information that is not important, our brains can also be trained to filter in information that will help us achieve our goals. Everyone defines success a littl...
How many times have you explained what you want from your team only to end up with the wrong result? If you are like most people, you have an image in your head of what is supposed to happen in your organization. It has to go beyond the image, though. You will need to serve a specific customer demog...
I listened to a speaker this week who was giving advice from Texas. One piece of advice I found to be really relevant was being cautious about where we get our advice. The piece of Texas wisdom was, “Never take advice from a naked man offering you his shirt.” Though it was intended to be funny, it r...