Nothing Changes Until...

business advice business success change management constructive feedback leadership meaningful action taking action Aug 27, 2024
Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Nothing Changes Until...

Nothing changes until something changes. That sounds straightforward, right? But how often do you hear someone complain about how things are going, where they’re at in life, or what they’re struggling with, etc. but they don’t take new action? Contrary to what many people hope for, you will continue to get the same results until you start taking different actions.

Even if the change you make is small, it can have a massive impact on the outcomes that you reach. A small variance in actions can be the catalyst for the change you’re needing as an individual and as an organization. The Dalai Lama wisely said, “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.”

Many leaders wonder why they aren’t getting what they want out of their people, but they keep using the same approach, treating employees the same way they always have, conducting the same types of meetings, giving the same speeches, and ultimately reaching the same disappointments. When you want something to change, you have to do something differently. It’s important to recognize the role that leaders play in inspiring action from their team. 

Of course, there will be employees who go the extra mile, offering suggestions and giving discretionary effort. However, that’s not something that comes naturally for everyone. That’s why leaders act as guides, giving feedback, both positive and corrective, when necessary. The leader sees that something needs to be done, they take action, and they help their employees make the change as well. And when change begins at the top, it’s easier to adopt across the organization. Employees tend to buy in more readily when they see the change being demonstrated.

Change begins with leadership, and leadership begins with you. Take the time to invest in your development as a leader, and take meaningful actions to get you and your team to where you want to be. If you want to cause a ripple in the water, you have to throw the first pebble.


-Meghan Slaughter

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