Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success achievement growth mindset habits for success personal accountability personal responsibility self-discipline Jul 23, 2024

I recently watched a video about staying committed to your goals and bettering yourself daily. One of the phrases that really stood out to me in this video is that “discipline is the greatest form of love that you can show yourself.” I had never thought about discipline in this...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Writing Your Own Story
Writing Your Own Story controlling your story perception personal responsibility self-belief self-talk Apr 23, 2024

The story of who you are is something that only you can write. No one else can tell you who to be or what to stand for. Mentors and role models can help shape us into the individuals we become, but ultimately, we have control over what defines us. How we perceive ourselves and our self-talk are...

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