Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
How AI is Changing Leadership and Decision-Making
How AI is Changing Leadership and Decision-Making adaptability artificial intelligence automations data-driven decisions decision making higher productivity informed decisions leadership advice Feb 18, 2025

The leadership landscape is constantly shifting, and one of the things that distinguishes an effective leader from an ineffective one is their ability to adapt. They must adapt to the people they lead, the work that needs to be done, and the approach that needs to be taken. A shift that we are...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Reinvention Comes from Disruption
Reinvention Comes from Disruption change management growth mindset higher productivity positive results reinvention Feb 04, 2025

When you become stuck in the same routine, you start to see the same results over and over again. While that can be to your advantage in some areas, growth comes from change. Without a variance in your routine, you eventually reach a point of stagnation. If you want to experience new results, you...

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