Attracting Top Performers to Your Company

In this episode, Jody and Meghan discuss how to attract people to come work for your company. People are attracted to a job application based on its logical appeal, but they work for and stay at a company for emotional reasons. Ultimately, people work for people, not just for companies. If there is an emotional disconnect for an employee, it can slow their productivity, motivation, and even their desire to continue down the path theyā€™re on.

People naturally want to make a difference in life, so if you can present the value that your company offers to an employee and articulate the mission that you stand for, you are much more likely to catch the attention of candidates that will strive for the same goals. You need to be able to describe what your company does and why it matters in a clear, concise manner. 

In order to attract top performers, you need to offer an exchange of value. What is the story that your company tells, and how can you draw potential employees into that story?

Thanks for tuning in, and please feel free to drop any leadership or management topic suggestions in the comments. Become the kind of leader you would follow! 

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