Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Managing the Important and the Urgent
Managing the Important and the Urgent achievement potential priority management scheduling time self improvement Apr 02, 2024

We often prioritize the things that are urgent in business over the things that are important. That sounds effective in theory, but when we put off the things that are important, we are neglecting to work on tasks that produce long-term positive results.

We become the most successful when we...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Believe in Your Potential More than You Believe in Your Limitations
Believe in Your Potential More than You Believe in Your Limitations growth mindset habits for success potential self-concept Feb 06, 2024

The key to growing personally and professionally is to believe in your potential more than you believe in your limitations. Many people suffer from imposter syndrome, thinking as though they are a fraud or don’t deserve their success. This is especially common when people move up quickly or...

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Who You Are Right Now is Not Far Away From Who You Want to Be growth mindset ideal self potential self-belief self-evaluation Sep 26, 2023

When you picture your ideal self, do you think of that as an attainable reality? Sometimes it is difficult to imagine that we can actually achieve what we desire, but the key to moving forward toward that goal is the belief in self. Without a positive self-concept, you are holding yourself back...

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The Importance of Exercising Your Mind challenge yourself critical thinking effective processing learning mental wellness potential Sep 12, 2023

Imagine you never pushed yourself to learn more or never challenged yourself to do more beyond high school. What if you decided that you had reached your maximum potential? Where do you think you would be at right now? The world is ever-changing, as are you, which is why it is important to learn...

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The Power of Direction choices empowerment life direction potential self leadership Sep 28, 2022

My wife and I were talking about our experiences from yesterday. She told me about working with her class and how she was helping them focus beyond their limitations. She described 2 words that start a sentence that determine the direction of a person’s thoughts. Used in one way, these...

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The Exchange effort longfellow parenting potential self leadership Sep 19, 2022

One of the great tragedies in this life is that of seeing people believe they should not have to exchange effort for the outcome. The world itself has always been ruled by the law of cause and effect. We achieve the desired outcomes when we supply the right actions and efforts. The tragedy is in...

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Leveraging Different authenticity creativity leadership potential self leadership Sep 17, 2022

We spend most of our lives striving to fit in with the world around us. We dress like the people around us. We talk like the people around us. We even strive to know the same information as the people around us. Admittedly, much of the conditioning we are given pushes us toward this sameness with...

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