Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Why Micromanagement Kills Productivity
Why Micromanagement Kills Productivity accountability building trust micromanagement performance management productivity Mar 12, 2024

Many managers believe that micromanaging their employees is how to keep them on track for success when in fact, it often discourages them from taking any risks or giving extra discretionary effort. They feel as though their manager does not trust them to do the thing that they were hired to do,...

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The Evolution of Performance Reviews employee feedback leadership performance management performance reviews Jan 13, 2023

Performance reviews have undergone significant evolution in American companies over the past few decades. Initially, performance evaluations were focused primarily on individual job performance, with little emphasis on employee development or goal setting. Even within that evaluative focus, the...

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3 Leadership Communication Changes for 2023 engagement generation z leadership performance management retention Dec 27, 2022

3 Key changes are coming in 2023 for leaders. I was working with several of my clients in this last quarter and really digging in to analyze what is and isn’t working for them. One particular client, we’ll call them Awesome Company A, or ACA for short, had tremendous success pre-Covid...

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3 Reasons Performance Reviews Donā€™t Work engagement leadership performance management performance reviews Oct 13, 2022

As the generations change, so does the approach to managing performance in the workplace. A couple of generations ago, performance was managed in an annual conversation and written evaluation. The annual performance review proved to provide very little developmental value over and over again, but...

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