Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Finding Your Fit
Finding Your Fit business advice career path fulfillment job satisfaction job search May 28, 2024

We often hear about searching for a candidate that’s the right fit for the job, but we don’t talk as much about finding a job that’s the right fit for the candidate. When you’re searching for a job, it’s important to consider several factors that will help determine...

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Busy Has Become the New "Fine" busy fulfillment mental state responsibility social norm Jul 18, 2023

What’s your go-to response when someone asks how you’ve been? Something I have noticed in my own life is that I tend to say something along the lines of, “Oh you know, I’ve been staying busy.” Once I made this realization, I started noticing it a lot more in other...

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What Gets You Out of Bed in the Morning? fulfillment healthy mind motivation self improvement Jun 13, 2023

It seems like a straightforward question. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Is it the thought of breakfast, the promise of coffee, the opportunity to start fresh today? Maybe you’re excited to do something or go somewhere. Is it a sense of obligation, a commitment to routine, or the...

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What We Crave brass ring fulfillment purpose success Oct 12, 2022

Throughout my life, I have watched people chase after the illusive brass ring. They define the lifestyle they want and chase after the lifestyle as if it will bring them the joy they have been missing. They think that the right car, the right house, or the right significant other will be the key....

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