The Struggle is Real
Oct 27, 2022
One of the things I have experienced in my entrepreneurial journey is facing the same problem multiple times. At the beginning of my career, I made the assumption that I could face a problem once and it would never come back. Instead, the experience I had was facing a problem at a small scale early on, only to realize the same problem would be bigger the next time around.
Whether the issue is self-doubt, emotional outbursts when success gets close, pushing people away that want to help, or a host of other issues, we have to face them. I think this might be the differentiator between those who do alright and those who master the game. Those who win see problems as an opportunity to strengthen themselves, strive for the next level and innovate. Those who refuse to face their problems head-on see only the wall of struggle. It is the perspective that matters. When you see a problem or struggle, you may have to accept that it will take time and discipline to get through it. But your persistent and deliberate striving toward your goal eventually breaks down the walls that stand between where you are and where you want to be.
I believe these struggles are there for a reason. We have setbacks, so we can strengthen our resolve. We have failures, so we can learn to innovate. We have struggles so we can become more of who we are capable of being. Every struggle holds within it the possibility of something more. The question becomes… Do you see the wall, or do you see your strength? Turning your attention to what you can and will do to achieve your goals makes all the difference. Focus on running the race, busting through the walls of struggle, and using the struggle to strengthen your ability to succeed.
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