The Beginner’s Mindset
Dec 11, 2022
The whole world opens up when you give up the need to be better. The mindset of the beginner is that of curiosity. The longer a person is focused in a given area, though, the more difficult it can be to preserve the beginner mindset. When I first started speaking professionally, I read everything I could find on how to be a great speaker. The same was true for when I first became an entrepreneur. I read business book after business book to figure out how to do sales, leadership, accounting, marketing, customer service, and more. It was fantastic! Everything was new and exciting. It was an opportunity to reinvent myself.
Then, I became really good at what I was doing and lost some of the curiosity about how to win in any of those areas. This led to a shift in focus on what I was reading and learning. I was still curious, but not as curious about what I felt I already knew. I’m not sure if you have had the same kind of experience as me. If you have, you likely miss the newness of the chase for greatness. I don’t think we actually have to give up the beginner’s mindset though. I think we can stay focused on what else we can learn, how else we can grow, and what will be next for us.
As I round out 2022, I committing to be curious. I am focusing my mind on “what else” and “what’s next.” I am re-committed to live with a beginner’s mind as I seek to learn and grow. I plan to be excited each day about what possibilities exist for me. I plan to look at new opportunities with wonder and amazement. Most of all, I plan to remember that there is still more to learn, still more to do, still more to experience.
What will you choose as your mindset going into the end of 2022 and the start of 2023? I challenge you to choose the beginner’s mindset. You will not regret it.
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