Not Everyone Wants to Be Treated the Way You Do
Sep 24, 2024
We have all heard the phrase, “Treat others the way you want to be treated,” but the reality is that not everyone actually wants to be treated in the same way that you do. They want to be treated in a way that they can be receptive of, and as a leader, it is your responsibility to adapt your approach to the individual. By understanding how a person is likely to respond in a certain situation, you can help motivate, engage, and coach them more effectively.
For example, if someone is more introverted, they may not be comfortable with you approaching them with feedback in front of a group of other people. Their focus will not be on what you are saying, and instead they will be thinking about the manner in which you approached them. If you want the individual to understand your feedback and implement a change, you may have to adjust how you address them. This is an individual that you should speak with privately. This demonstrates that you respect them and care about their success.
When we understand our employees on a human level, we get more out of them. Everyone wants to feel valued, so when you adapt your approach to them personally, they tend to be more responsive to your feedback.
Being a leader is about more than just being good at what you do. It’s about human connection and influence. When you show that you want the best for your people, they’ll give their best to the organization. Stop approaching people in the way that you want to be treated, and start treating them the way that they want to be treated.
-Meghan Slaughter
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