Is That Really Who I Chose To Be?
Dec 19, 2022
The theory of reality states that what is real isn’t what you hope for, nor is it what you perceive. What is real is what is measurable and tangible. I say this because it is important to remember that we often perceive ourselves differently than how others will perceive us. We often imagine that the world should be a certain way, but it isn’t. What ultimately moves us forward is facing reality head-on and determining what we will achieve based on the inputs/actions we will provide.
If our sales are not where we want them to be, what inputs got us to this level? If our employee turnover isn’t what we want it to be, what inputs got it to this level? When you focus on removing the emotional aspect of the evaluation, you are able to have a realistic view of what is happening in your world. The simple truth is that each of us are who we are and where we are because of the series of choices and actions we have taken. If we want to be someone or somewhere else, we simply have to change the inputs.
This means that there is likely another person out there living the outcomes you desire for your life. For me, I seek to model the beliefs, thoughts, and actions of those who are living a balanced and fulfilled life. Success likely looks different to you than it does to other people in your life. Your definition is uniquely yours. Look for others that are living into your definition, but be aware that they might not exist. If they don’t, then begin measuring the things you are doing and the outcomes those things are achieving. Don’t be afraid to change your actions. That is the only way to change your outcomes, after all.
You really are who you choose to act into being. When you give up the need to find a scapegoat for your life, you begin to truly create the reality you desire. Now, go out and measure, adapt, and become. Measure what you are doing compared to what you are getting. Adapt your actions until you achieve the outcomes you desire. And become the best version of yourself possible.
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