Be the Person You Would be Proud of
Jan 14, 2025
What would happen if you lived each day as if your younger self was watching you? Imagine you were teaching that version of yourself everything they needed to know in life. Would you behave any differently?* If you would, what does that tell you about how you’re living your life right now? If you would not want your younger self to see you as you are, then maybe you should reconsider some of your choices. You want to be able to be proud of the person you are and the life you live.
The key to becoming the kind of person you would be proud of is to align your priorities with your personal values. It requires some self-reflection to determine the values that you want to live by, but once you know what they are, it is easy to implement them into your routine. What matters most to you should be reflected in the actions you take, the conversations you have, and the people you associate with. No one should have to wonder if you truly are the kind of person you say you are. It should be visible in every facet of your life.
Some of us had big dreams when we were kids, and although you may not be a billionaire yet, or a movie star, or whatever else your five-year-old self thought you would be by this point, you can still make your younger self proud of the person you have become. Your value does not come from the job you have, how much money you make, how many friends you have, or how many places you have traveled to; your value is innate and is strengthened by being a good human being and living into your purpose.
As we fall into a routine in the new year, I challenge you to live as if your younger self was following your lead. Be intentional in your actions, true to your word, and fascinated with life. Never stop aspiring to learn more and become the best version of yourself.
*The Hawthorne effect occurs when an individual modifies, and usually improves, their behavior when they know they are being observed. It stands to reason that if we imagined our younger selves shadowing our every move that we would be on our best behavior at all times.
-Meghan Slaughter
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