3 Things To Find Success in Life…
Jan 26, 2023
We often think of success in life as this grand, complicated plan that needs to be created. That isn’t the case, though. The truth about success is that it comes down to some very simple things.
The first thing is direction. I see so many people that are going through life trying this thing or that thing, but never picking their thing. When you choose a direction and go all-in on that direction, success begins to show up in unexplained coincidences. It’s as if the universe responds to your choice of a path and says, “cool, I’ll make that happen.”
The second thing that creates success is seeking wisdom. I had an uncle that told me that wisdom was the ability to learn from other people’s mistakes so I didn’t have to make them myself, while intelligence was the need to learn it through my own experience. Seeking wisdom is a daily event. I moderated a panel of leaders from San Angelo this week, sharing their insights with 221 high school sophomores. Overwhelmingly, the advice they gave was to read books, find a mentor, and learn as much as possible. Seeking wisdom is the difference maker between being stuck and being launched toward success.
The third thing that creates success is our habits. For each of us, we will have 5 or fewer habits that will ensure our success. Consistency with these habits separates the pros from the wanna-be winners. In coaching a sales team, I helped them narrow their daily habits to learning something beneficial within their industry, seeking to solve a customer challenge, seeking to understand the needs of a prospect, sharing how they can solve a prospect’s challenge or how they have solved it for a customer, and promoting one prospect to a customer. When their daily focus is on those habits, they are truly unstoppable.
Your success isn’t any more difficult than these three key practices. Choose your direction. Seek the needed wisdom. Execute on your daily habits. When you do this, you will see amazing things happen in your life.
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