$299.00 USD

I understand that this training program is intended for educational purposes and is not legal advice. If there are specific legal questions, I will reach out to an attorney or legal advisor to address specifics within my workplace. I further understand that it is the application of the information, not just the exposure to the information that creates a safer and more inclusive workplace and we will take positive action to create the best place to work possible.

2024 Illinois Harassment Prevention Training

Train your team and create a safe, inclusive, and successful workplace.

What you'll get:

  • Quick update on 2024 changes
  • How to recognize harassment and hostility in the workplace
  • How to address harassment and hostility
  • How to prevent harassment and hostility
  • How to create a safe, inclusive, and successful workplace.

By participating in this training, you are taking a positive step toward creating a great working environment. Be sure to take it one step further and apply the information at all levels. With new changes to IHRA regulations in 2024, it is more important than ever before to create a safe and inclusive place to work.